Healthy Trends & Generation Z

To continue the conversation from the last post, we’ll move from food to (mostly) beverage. If you live on the coasts or keep a finger on the pulse of food trends, the explosion of juice comes as no surprise. These businesses are also capitalizing on the healthy food movement with a large dose of media […]

Entrepreneurs & the Next Generation of Healthy

The ongoing narrative of our latest food revolution is a topic I’m really interested in and would like to explore from several different angles, so this will be the first in a series diving into how “fast food” is gaining a new meaning. Historically, fast food has been synonymous with chemicals, factory farming, processed ingredients, […]

A London Immersion

While my last post may give the impression that I flew all the way to the UK to eat ethnic food, rest assured that was far from the case. First of all you should fly Virgin Atlantic, Richard Branson never disappoints and if there happens to be a problem,  weather delays, ticket mixups, Virgin employees […]

Eating Israeli in London

Bet you didn’t see that coming. Most people go for the fish & chips, but instead we ended up in several Indian restaurants and discovered some incredible Middle Eastern and Israeli food. Who would’ve guessed? NOPI is an unlikely collaboration between an Israeli and Palestinian, perfectly blending the bold, fresh flavors of the region in delicious, […]

Performing Arts Managers Conference

My first PAMC as a consultant was completely different than when I worked for the food service providers like Restaurant Associates and served complimentary hors d’oeuvres to the attendees.  A few months after the Walt Disney Concert Hall opened at the 2004 PAMC at Patina we sponsor the dinner at the new flagship restaurant with […]

East Coast Tour

On a recent trip to the east coast, I had the opportunity to observe some exceptional hospitality in action, while also catching up with some friends and partners while I was there. In Philadelphia, I visited associate and Schedule-Cloud business partner, Greg Dodge. Greg and I starting working together 20 years ago, and he’s always […]

What’s in a name?

While many of you may be familiar with my resumé and partnerships, I wanted to kick off this blog with a little insider info behind the guiding principles of Frank O’Dea Hospitality and why I chose that name for my business. First, hospitality always comes down to relationships. Relationships with guests, employees, clients, partners, everyone. […]